Highways and Byways (H & B) is a part of House of Prayer Ministries, Free Church of Sullivan County, PA and was birthed out of our old radio program "House of Prayer Radio" which aired on stations covering portions of North Central and North Eastern Pennsylvania and Central upstate New York.

We moved from radio to CD production in order to allow the program to be expanded and targeted for a specific people group (Drivers and others who travel for a living.)

And it made perfectly good sense too... I had made a career change just a couple of years earlier and I found myself driving truck for a living.The result was "Highways and Byways; the Christian CD Audio Magazine."

The approach to getting this out to folks was simple enough...If the Lord was behind this, He would connect us with like minded people who would believe in this outreach and together, we would give away as many of these CD's as we were able.

There is no charge, we make no great pleas for financial support. The invitation to come along side of us in support goes pretty much like this...

If you hear the Lord speaking to your heart to help, then do as the Lord is telling you... and rejoice that you find yourself within earshot of the Master's voice

Most people get copies of "Highways And Byways" and give them out.  With my disability, that would be hard for me to do.  So I asked God about it and I felt lead to do it through my website.  This way the blind community can have easy access and can enjoy Highways And Byways along with everyone else.

More than that, I think most truck drivers have a smart phone these days.  So I thought it would help if everyone had fast, easy, and downloadable access to enjoy any of the past or current issues.

On the left is a list of years that are available on this site.  After clicking on the desired year, you can then select the desired month and track.  And if you feel lead to help keep this going, please visit

The following is from the actual website.